Il Top della musica dei nostri anni by Sash che sto consumando perché sublima la mia psiche facendomi viaggiare nei miei ricordi... Sempre con cuffie wireless e volume a palla... 😉😎 idillio...
Sash, You are one of the Best Memories of my whole Life (adolescence, I'm 40 years old, 1980). Now, We are still living in "Mysterious Times"... 👉🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊👈
Wow…da kam ein Hit nach dem anderen, das war eine sehr gute Zeit, vermisse ich sehr. Solche Musik konnte man damals noch im TV erleben, heute ist alles tot. Danke Sash, für diese coolen Hits 🩷🤗🩷
Back in the '90s and early 2000s there were excellent DJs (music from that period is basically the only music that I really enjoy listening and I always come back to it, thanks to youtube). Among these excellent DJs I claim that SASH was absolutely the best! I can't recall any song that I didn't like. Every song is a masterpeace! Well done, you have made my youth worth remembering! If I could only once use a timemachine to go back in time end re-enjoy this marvelous music in the club!
Welcome... Rewind forever... Good trip... Magic Megamix by Dj Sash... Genial... Chapeau... J'adore... Progressione progressive che strabilia i nostri sensi... Apoteosi allo stato puro...
Ich erinnere mich an die Zeit wo ich vor 20 Jahren ein casting bei Sash gewonnen hatte und "Mysterious Times"im Studio singen durfte es war eine tolle aufregende Zeit🤩🎉
Hallöchen 🤗 ja genau im Kings 🤭 die Zeit ist so geflogen 😌und gerade jetzt sind wir wirklich in einer "Mysteriöse Zeit"...hoffentlich hat es bald ein Ende 😷
Mensch Sascha wer haette das gedacht, vom Kings auf die grosse Buehne der Welt ☺. Ende der 80er hab ich dort jedes Wochenende abgefeiert, man waren das Zeiten in Kaldenkirchen....
@@SASHofficialHi What's the first name of your female dancer which replaced Tina Cousins on Just Around The Hill and Mysterious Times ? Everybody is wondering !!! You dancers names are not mentioned anywhere Thank you
Saludos cordiales desde Sudamérica Santa Cruz bolivia 🇧🇴 👍 excelente 💜 recuerdaso okey 💯 puntos 👏 dj sash 💜👍💃💃😍💃💃grandes temasos musicales 🎶 😍 que viva x100pre la música del eurodance 90 👏 y parte del 00 👍 👏 👀😀💃💃💃👍🎧🎧🎧🇧🇴 la mejor y maravillosa época de la música 🎶 🎧 🎤 🎵 👍 👏 👏 👏
Saludos mi amigo un fuerte abrazo desde Gualaceo Ecuador hasta Santa Cruz Bolivia...estos temasos de Sahs son y serán por siempre las mejores canciones 👍👍👍🇪🇨🇪🇨🇪🇨
Madre mía temazoooo wowwww oleeeeeeee impresiónante espectacular maravillosoooooo buenísimo arribaaaaaa a bailarrrrrrrr que recuerdos más bonitos soy fans de dj sash
Sash, открою тайну, я слушал твою музыку громко и не только я, девчонки из Кафе Москва в Александровском саду у Кремля,не вчера конечно вчера в 1996-1998
Il Top della musica dei nostri anni by Sash che sto consumando perché sublima la mia psiche facendomi viaggiare nei miei ricordi... Sempre con cuffie wireless e volume a palla... 😉😎 idillio...
Wow... Encore une Fois Sash... REWIND... 🔝 Remember... Magic trip... 😇💫🌟😎 💯🎶❤
Sash, You are one of the Best Memories of my whole Life (adolescence, I'm 40 years old, 1980).
Now, We are still living in "Mysterious Times"... 👉🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊👈
Up the Buzz🎉😂❤
One of the Best Dj in the world,in my opinion
He is the best
I am 50 yo and I love my lucky generation, pure music, pure parties, pure life!!!!!!!
Yes, i am 57 and best time in my live. Thank you
Me too I'm 52 and for me best period for music and espacially this kind :P
I miss this time ;)
Получил неистовое наслаждение душой - как будто в молодость попал и побывал в юности и на Родине! спасибо за ремикс!
Спасибо за ремикс❤❤❤!
Up the Buzz🎉😂❤
Ecuador ist immer noch der geilste Song aller Zeiten und auch Adelante ist für die Ewigkeit. Wundervolle Zeiten.
Genialer Mix! Last die alten Zeiten leben! 🎶👏👍🇦🇹
Still playing in 2025........sounds like this remain fresh and timeless ❤
De los mejores productores del Eurodance que ha habido. ¡Grande DJ Sash!
Wow…da kam ein Hit nach dem anderen, das war eine sehr gute Zeit, vermisse ich sehr.
Solche Musik konnte man damals noch im TV erleben, heute ist alles tot.
Danke Sash, für diese coolen Hits 🩷🤗🩷
Back in the '90s and early 2000s there were excellent DJs (music from that period is basically the only music that I really enjoy listening and I always come back to it, thanks to youtube). Among these excellent DJs I claim that SASH was absolutely the best! I can't recall any song that I didn't like. Every song is a masterpeace! Well done, you have made my youth worth remembering! If I could only once use a timemachine to go back in time end re-enjoy this marvelous music in the club!
Thanks a lot for your kind words !!!
Great set, congrats
Wow... Megamix by Sash 🔝💯🎶💥😎💫🌟🌬 La Musica dei nostri anni sublima le nostre menti
Video 🔝 Tina Cousins splendida...J'adore❤😇
Forgot how amazing they are . Top tunes man..Greetings from Scotland
Wer Die Musik von Sash nicht kennt ,der hat die Welt verpennt . Greta Mix 🙂
Sensactional megamix...apoteotic performance by Sash... Welcome... Rewind... Good trip forever... Megamix extrasensorial by DJ SASH
from🇯🇵love sash💙
Questo video è la mia buonanotte...Sash forever
Bravooo olé olé olé
I sometimes do my art work to "Encore un frois" it empties my mind so I can concentrate on one task. ❤ 😊
More than 20 years later, the same thrill... thanks
Yeee Harr..
Quá tuyệt vời nhất thế giới hiện nay rất đẹp mắt chức vô địch thế giới thành công với các bạn
Che bello questo remix....le avevo tutte le vado a risentire tutte❤❤❤❤troppo forte✌️🎧🎧🎧🎧😎😉
Love these Tracks! I’ll never get tired of it!
Utwór ponad czasowy 💖Nadal super
Sash is the Number ONE 🤞😁. Thanks..
These hits are Forever in my heart ❤️
DJ SASH so many memories from the 90s . Thanks .🎉🎉
Мы конечно же не ожидали что ты их всех просто с юмором продергиваешь 😂 музыка вполне серьезная !
The world was allright those days
Awesome!. Thank you for sharing! 👌 👌 👌
Excellent, for a good weekend.. Tomorrow coming UP.. 😎🌎🥳🥳🥳
Najwspanialszy czas i Najwspanialsza muzyka 🎶🙌 zawsze wracam z sentymentem 😉 Dzięki Sash 🙌😉
Welcome... Rewind forever... Good trip... Magic Megamix by Dj Sash... Genial... Chapeau... J'adore... Progressione progressive che strabilia i nostri sensi... Apoteosi allo stato puro...
good mix thank you for are songs greetings take are never the would change for another king of music take are
Doesn't get better than this PURE QUALITY
Super. That's hits!!
Ich erinnere mich an die Zeit wo ich vor 20 Jahren ein casting bei Sash gewonnen hatte und "Mysterious Times"im Studio singen durfte es war eine tolle aufregende Zeit🤩🎉
Da kann ich mich sogar noch gut dran erinnern. Das war im kings in Nettetal :)
Hallöchen 🤗 ja genau im Kings 🤭 die Zeit ist so geflogen 😌und gerade jetzt sind wir wirklich in einer "Mysteriöse Zeit"...hoffentlich hat es bald ein Ende 😷
Mensch Sascha wer haette das gedacht, vom Kings auf die grosse Buehne der Welt ☺. Ende der 80er hab ich dort jedes Wochenende abgefeiert, man waren das Zeiten in Kaldenkirchen....
@@SASHofficialHi What's the first name of your female dancer which replaced Tina Cousins on Just Around The Hill and Mysterious Times ? Everybody is wondering !!! You dancers names are not mentioned anywhere Thank you
Minuto 5:11 esplosivo con Adelante 🔥💥 e successivo ben remixato Ecuador dal minuto 7:25... 🔝 Sash ❤ j'adore... Chapeau
Coincido con tigo
Saludos cordiales desde Sudamérica Santa Cruz bolivia 🇧🇴 👍 excelente 💜 recuerdaso okey 💯 puntos 👏 dj sash 💜👍💃💃😍💃💃grandes temasos musicales 🎶 😍 que viva x100pre la música del eurodance 90 👏 y parte del 00 👍 👏 👀😀💃💃💃👍🎧🎧🎧🇧🇴 la mejor y maravillosa época de la música 🎶 🎧 🎤 🎵 👍 👏 👏 👏
Saludos mi amigo un fuerte abrazo desde Gualaceo Ecuador hasta Santa Cruz Bolivia...estos temasos de Sahs son y serán por siempre las mejores canciones 👍👍👍🇪🇨🇪🇨🇪🇨
Obrigada Dj Sash sâo Inesquecíveis 😍😍, maravilhosas lembranças, dansei muito, esses megamix ficaram para sempre 💜😍
Quá tuyệt vời nhất thế giới
Спасибо,маэстро!За молодость!😊✌👍
90s was best life
O melhor do mundo!!
The Rush in the Music is unreal
SASH is bigger than TIESTO
Absolute classic wish he would bring more back
I'm Smoken,Somebody STOP me🎉😂❤🎉😂❤❤❤
Got this on one of your single s
The 90s had the best dance mixes
Warum soll ich Schlagerfuzzis hören müssen .........wenn ich doch hier echten Rhythmus bekomme??? Echt geiler Beat.......schon fast Luxus
Wow 🤩 the memories 😊 still sounds amazing 🤩 Thankyou sash 🥳❤️💃
Saludos desde el salvador siempre lo mejor d lo mejor
Thank you Sash! to made my childhood.. still loving your beats ❤️
Amazing mix just like when it came out the first time awesome year’s bravo 👏 👏
Exelente megamix 😍🎵🎼🎧😎
Mysterious times 😍😍😍😍😍😍
I love all Sash songs, i wish i could covered the song like Encore use fois and Adelante if i try to learn as DJ
Madre mía temazoooo wowwww oleeeeeeee impresiónante espectacular maravillosoooooo buenísimo arribaaaaaa a bailarrrrrrrr que recuerdos más bonitos soy fans de dj sash
❤ 😍🤩forever Sash ❤
And Greetings from Equator 🇪🇨🌎in Sud
The best ❤ I loved 🥰 Sash. Eres el mejor ❤️ me encanta 🥰
Ke chuladas de rrolas muy buenas
Fav Mix of Sash Especially Equador love the acidTrance buld-up 7:20 :D
Well said Old chap.
@@santitofelipe6283 ;D
Обожаю его музыку!
This takes me back love this tune
Sash, открою тайну, я слушал твою музыку громко и не только я, девчонки из Кафе Москва в Александровском саду у Кремля,не вчера конечно вчера в 1996-1998
good rythm has greetings that good talent you have thank you for are songs
Muy bueno este mix.
Super padre.
My First purchase and favourite album was Life goes on,next trillenium i love too.after It unfortunatenly i like only singles.
2024 still sash
28 1 2025 Greeceeeeeeeee
Es el mejor. El número 1
Thanks du sash to you is back
Que viva la fe ❤
S A S H!!! 👍
Take me to your Leader👽👽👽👽Up the Buzz 🎉😂❤🎉😂❤❤❤
Cool!!! Best!!! 90x great!
❤❤❤❤❤❤😂super pecka
Sash! Девочки обладают огромной энергией, ничего не хочу посоветовать,просто текст написали 😂
Как вскрыть эту энергию? Не скажу сами попробуйте 😂
8:33 🔊🔊🔊👂🏽😍🕺🏽
Hola Sash! Come pompa questo sound!!!
Encore Une Fois 😂 Stay feat. La Trec 😂 Mysterious Times feat. Tina Cousins 😂 Adelante 😂 Ecuador 😂
brasil aqui ...2024
El Sumun de la música.
2024 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ekwador😅Nie spać zwiedzać zapierdalać ,lataj albo giń Bracie😂