PRIMAVERA Elevation is an app which allows you to access business information and ERP functionality on mobile devices, enabling fast decision making and the performance of tasks that are relevant in a mobility context.
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The Download Now link directs you to the Windows Store, where you can continue the download process. You must have an active Microsoft account to download the application. This download may not be available in some countries.
PRIMAVERA Elevation is an app which allows you to access business information and ERP functionality on mobile devices, enabling fast decision making and the performance of tasks that are relevant in a mobility context.
PRIMAVERA Elevation is an app which allows you to access business information and ERP functionality on mobile devices, enabling fast decision making and the performance of tasks that are relevant in a mobility context. This application also provides permanent access to the latest news about PRIMAVERA. PRIMAVERA Elevation currently includes one modules - Sales - to which new modules and functionality shall be added from time to time. Sales Thanks to its integration with the PRIMAVERA ERP, the Sales module makes it possible to view the sales information of a given company in graphic or table format, organized by timeframe, region, client or sales person. Within the timeframe analysis, the data can be visualized per week, month, and quarter or with accumulated values since the beginning of the year, always with a comparison to the same period of the previous year. Indicators included in this version: Total sales (per company or per group of companies). Weekly, monthly, and quarterly sales or accumulated sales since the beginning of the year. Sales per region (top 12). Sales per customer (top 12). Sales per sales person (top 12) Access to your data After subscribing and giving access to users within your organization (access can be granted by logging in User'Space at and clicking on menu option Control Panel/ Access), in order to collect real data you should: 1. Install PRIMAVERA ELEVATION on your smartphone. 2. If you want data to be collected from your PRIMAVERA ERP, please ensure you have a Cloud Solution's connector installed on your system. You can download the connector at aspx. If you are unsure whether you have PRIMAVERA Cloud Connector installed, ask your PRIMAVERA Partner.