Six Endgames that Needed Precision - GM Ben Finegold - 2014.12.09

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Grandmaster Ben Finegold utilizes king position and passed pawns in the "Chess Endings for Tournament Players" class.
    Iryna Zenyuk vs Sabina-Francesca Foisor, US Women's Chess Championship (2009)
    Benjamin Finegold vs Rusudan Goletiani, Chicago Spring Invitational (2005)
    Veselin Topalov vs Alexey Shirov, Linares (1998)

Комментарии • 114

  • @sylvesterstewart92
    @sylvesterstewart92 9 лет назад +59

    Watching this video over and over again, showing what kind of life I lead

  • @MartinStaykov
    @MartinStaykov 10 лет назад +94

    Things I've learned from Ben Finegold:
    - Never play f3;
    - Always play Bf1;
    - Tricks are for kids.
    Also, 14:56 was hilarious.

    • @cmdrfun1
      @cmdrfun1 10 лет назад

      Never play f6! f3....ok

    • @MartinStaykov
      @MartinStaykov 10 лет назад

      Both, f3 for white, f6 for black. But only in short castling.

    • @wizardseye
      @wizardseye 10 лет назад +14

      You forgot "Always repeat". This sounds funny, but Ben explained to me once that in a time increment game if you repeat whenever the opportunity is available you can gain back some time on your clock with no need to think about the position.

    • @dusanmijatovic7913
      @dusanmijatovic7913 9 лет назад +3

      +wizardseye Man, there are 24 finegold rules

    • @KillianDefaoite
      @KillianDefaoite 7 лет назад +2

      Never make the same mistake twice
      always play Kb1/Kb8
      Nh3 stinks

  • @ViniciusGuitarGuy
    @ViniciusGuitarGuy 10 лет назад +76

    22:34 I have watched all Finegold lectures at least 5 times each. I guess my life is terrible.

    • @kylespecter6580
      @kylespecter6580 5 лет назад +2

      I'd say something encouraging but...the truth hurts... Dah dah daaaaah!

  • @GlobalUnion420
    @GlobalUnion420 10 лет назад +6

    This was an awesome session!! Thank you GM Finegold for a very entertaining and informative lesson.

  • @v1991c
    @v1991c 10 лет назад +65

    the "like my teenage years" joke killed me aHHAHAHAA

  • @JohnDoe-mv4ks
    @JohnDoe-mv4ks 8 лет назад +2

    Funny and engaging teacher. Poses questions in just the right way to make you want to hash it out for yourself.

  • @kimjong-un156
    @kimjong-un156 10 лет назад +15

    very good teacher

  • @mistafabro
    @mistafabro 8 лет назад +32

    "He's the best player in his chair" amazing.

  • @simoneribero8474
    @simoneribero8474 2 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for this lesson

  • @ImASDFx2
    @ImASDFx2 8 лет назад +7

    I find Findgold's the most informative because he keeps me interested with humor, and between is superb chess advice.

  • @mrtampham
    @mrtampham 6 лет назад +5

    1. make sure your king is active!
    2. in king and pawn end games, the pawns on the A and H file are the most dangerous
    3. in rook and queen end games, the king with the least safety will get checkmated
    fantastic lecture , and hilarious.

  • @g73hc3gsv3i
    @g73hc3gsv3i 5 лет назад +3

    14:55 "...and this ain't no movie" reference to 'Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)'; Josh Waitzkin's last game.

  • @warrenz597
    @warrenz597 6 лет назад +1

    Anyone else watching this video over and over again?

  • @ahmednuru2732
    @ahmednuru2732 2 месяца назад

    The game he's referring to at 22:45, Andrei Sokolov vs Viktor Korchnoi was indeed played in 1987 not 1988 at the Tilburg Interpolis tournament

  • @sunitpalve4678
    @sunitpalve4678 9 лет назад +62

    this guy's funny.... could do a stand up at the comedy store...but the audience gotta know how to play chess

  • @muckerwood
    @muckerwood 9 лет назад +83

    Funny guy. Every 4th sentence is a witticism with 10% humorous sarcasm, much of which flies right over the pupil's heads.

    • @onegerard
      @onegerard 8 лет назад +2

      students ...says their paying attention... right?

  • @damianocarraroli254
    @damianocarraroli254 8 лет назад +1

    great lecture, you are awesome!

  • @joeflorentin745
    @joeflorentin745 10 лет назад +7

    i love this guy

  • @ElGrilledCheezus
    @ElGrilledCheezus 8 лет назад +11

    The audience has no sense of humor this guy is hilarious. I was almost in tears at "Tulsa...ughh"

  • @LouisReed
    @LouisReed 10 лет назад +16

    LOL....12:17 "C4, always explosive". :-D

    • @heruilin
      @heruilin 10 лет назад

      Duh .. I just got that .. thanks!

    • @siddharthsivakumar270
      @siddharthsivakumar270 9 лет назад

      I played u in a chess tournament

    • @siddharthsivakumar270
      @siddharthsivakumar270 9 лет назад

      I lost to u

    • @LouisReed
      @LouisReed 9 лет назад +1

      +Siddharth Sivakumar Glad to see that you are watching great chess videos! :-)

    • @LouisReed
      @LouisReed 9 лет назад

      +Siddharth Sivakumar In addition to following your own plan, always try to think about what your opponent might be trying to do as well. You have a great fighting spirit; keep up the great work!

  • @-sep7684
    @-sep7684 8 лет назад +1

    Ben Finegold,Yasser Seirawan and Jonathan Schrantz are my favorite teachers!

  • @JorgechavezSan
    @JorgechavezSan 9 лет назад +4

    14:50 Jajajajajaja Omg, i just saw that scene from that movie TODAY! 😂 this is a old video i KNOW but i just saw it today

  • @amaarquadri
    @amaarquadri 3 года назад +2

    Does that mean if I have a position where I'm about to mate with king and knight against king and pawn (with the opponent's king stuck in the corner), they can just let their time run out and get a draw?

  • @sergi-13
    @sergi-13 7 лет назад +5

    22:35 He's talking about me

  • @LukePettit
    @LukePettit 6 лет назад +2

    Bh3 is the greatest move in chess history!

  • @Freakschwimmer
    @Freakschwimmer 8 лет назад +6

    19:05 Intererstingly Ben uses the German Initialism DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik). In English it is usually called the GDR (German democratic Republic)
    So I checked his CV for a prolonged stay in Germany and TADAA he was playing in the German Chess Bundesliga in the 1989/90 season

    • @lukacalov1988
      @lukacalov1988 2 года назад

      In balkan countries is also DDR

    • @sanchobanana3507
      @sanchobanana3507 2 года назад

      Haven’t seen Ben making the Albanian eagle hands 👐 yet so I’m guessing it’s probably because of his Bundesliga connection

  • @AndrewIsbell
    @AndrewIsbell 8 лет назад +6

    This video is not on the Ben Finegold playlist. Just a heads up!

  • @kimjong-un156
    @kimjong-un156 10 лет назад +3

    12:16 BOOM

  • @JohnDoe-mv4ks
    @JohnDoe-mv4ks 8 лет назад +1

    "as any small child will tell you, Snatch" Hilarious!

  • @passthebutter3
    @passthebutter3 9 лет назад +1

    Why does Finegold say at 4:59 to "always repeat" (checks)? It doesn't seem like it does anything

    • @MCMasters4ever
      @MCMasters4ever 9 лет назад +7

      +passthebutter3 It's a joke :P

    • @joedoe6836
      @joedoe6836 9 лет назад

      +Günther Schlauch But there must be some reason for it, right? He's made it several times, and seeing players make such repetitions, it seems like there's value in doing it, for whatever reason.

    • @ep-spdchess52
      @ep-spdchess52 9 лет назад

      +joe doe
      so they get closer to time control they repeat a position two times and play the moves then whenever safely possible. Makes sense, doesnt it ?

    • @joedoe6836
      @joedoe6836 9 лет назад

      Eric Pade Sure, but they don't do it two times. He also tells his students to, and I think those games often have game controls rather than move 40.

    • @DancingWasabi
      @DancingWasabi 9 лет назад +1

      +joe doe Even if it's game controls, you benefit if there's an increment. It's free time added to your clock.

  • @satadhi
    @satadhi 7 лет назад +1

    wow ! these end games are pretty

  • @Zeto3r
    @Zeto3r 8 лет назад

    at 8:09, why not this combination: Rook takes Rook(G4), (i assume) Knight captures Rook (G4), Knight to F4, pawn to D2, Knight to D5, if queen, night forking king and queen on E3, if king moves, Knight to C3 stopping queening, and after that starting to push A2 pawn....

    • @matta5463
      @matta5463 8 лет назад


    • @ThatCoconutGuy
      @ThatCoconutGuy 8 лет назад +3

      Can't fork on E3 because the black knight still covers that square

    • @Zeto3r
      @Zeto3r 8 лет назад

      true story..

  • @polg0003
    @polg0003 10 лет назад +1

    damn it Finegold, my hand was totally up!

  • @kowkan1
    @kowkan1 10 лет назад +4


  • @Dlerma-bq8oh
    @Dlerma-bq8oh 8 лет назад +14

    Terrible. It was 1987! (Sokolov-Korchnoi)

  • @watteau6646
    @watteau6646 5 лет назад +1

    Bh3! gawd...Shirov!

  • @kmktruthserum9328
    @kmktruthserum9328 6 лет назад

    i woulda never woke up if u didnt tell me... this better be good

  • @Greg_Ulmer
    @Greg_Ulmer 10 лет назад +41

    Ha, it actually was 1987, not 1988. Terrible.

  • @irgendwerjoker
    @irgendwerjoker 10 лет назад +6

    actually in Germany we say Nine! Nine! Nein!

    @LJLMETAL 9 лет назад +14

    Is it me, or does anyone else think that Jonah Hill can play him in a movie?

    • @muckerwood
      @muckerwood 9 лет назад +1

      +Lawrence Lepes Jonah isn't as funny... but yeah, same dialect and everything. I like this guy.

      @LJLMETAL 9 лет назад

      I agree

    • @AM-sp6je
      @AM-sp6je 6 лет назад

      It's you

  • @maek234
    @maek234 8 лет назад +1

    I love gm Ben finegold. I was falling asleep and he said to wake up

  • @odenssbm0810
    @odenssbm0810 6 лет назад +2

    this guy is HILARIOUS! XD XD XD XD XD

  • @ohsombraa2131
    @ohsombraa2131 10 лет назад

    Mike kummer lecture please!

  • @bobbyhelms4880
    @bobbyhelms4880 6 лет назад

    Ben is the best!!!

  • @newenglandsun4394
    @newenglandsun4394 9 лет назад

    1987--Tilburg, Opening: Spanish game, Berlin variation

  • @ministerofleisure
    @ministerofleisure 8 лет назад +1

    "uh...the lecture's over."

  • @gmcenroe
    @gmcenroe 10 лет назад

    I think Bg4 for black also wins, but the sac is nice.

  • @deb1847
    @deb1847 6 лет назад

    looks like GM Ben Finegold is the tony stark of chess

  • @adcfffffffffffffffff
    @adcfffffffffffffffff 9 лет назад +2

    i miss the times when ben finegold said "gesample" instead of "eggsample"

  • @lostsoul2184
    @lostsoul2184 3 года назад +1

    so this is what he does when he is not fighting batman

  • @EDAmirr
    @EDAmirr 10 лет назад +1

    21:40 looks like a draw to me

  • @skakofilsanonims4434
    @skakofilsanonims4434 9 лет назад +1

    22:31 hahahahha!

  • @2phil4u
    @2phil4u 7 лет назад

    The rook Exchange example, one möve before you Made a mistakes, because pawn caprure instead holds a Draw, but the Zwischenzugang h6 or even caprure wins But h6 is Note clever. You can after IT Take the rook and the Draw lines arent Working anymore.And stockfish saw IT in cheap Smartphone in 5 sec, at least the Draw and caprure Like Happens IT need LEDs then 1 Million nodes.

  • @tomjackson8669
    @tomjackson8669 4 года назад

    now for my favourite words, class dismissed looooool

  • @nonglenkhomba8350
    @nonglenkhomba8350 4 года назад

    Rooks are like my teenager

  • @KanchaRaKanchi
    @KanchaRaKanchi 6 лет назад +1

    Very funny GM

  • @2phil4u
    @2phil4u 7 лет назад +1

    Your endgame after rook captures was nice, but opponent could draw after pawn captures. So one möve sooner you could captures and Stocki in a very Slow smartphone at small depth See a +1.

    • @antichrist.superstar
      @antichrist.superstar 4 года назад

      What about on a decent computer at depth 20+? A +1 at depth 5 usually disappears at depth 12 and could become -1 or any evaluation really. Low depth evaluations aren’t reliable.

  • @rohannavaratnam5141
    @rohannavaratnam5141 8 лет назад

    its 1987

  • @k9ishere
    @k9ishere 9 лет назад

    But I like Tulsa...

  • @bigcooldad4567
    @bigcooldad4567 3 года назад


  • @seinlegman528
    @seinlegman528 9 лет назад

    does Ben use eye makeup?

  • @drivenbythewill
    @drivenbythewill 10 лет назад

    Finegold looks tired...

  • @mr.mathematician3716
    @mr.mathematician3716 7 лет назад

    Hurra! I m the 600th:)liker and 100th commenter on this video.....

  • @pfodtakem9536
    @pfodtakem9536 7 лет назад +1

    Why is he shouting?

  • @thomasthetankengin7722
    @thomasthetankengin7722 9 лет назад +1

    No? Nothing..? This audience is terrible..

  • @dreamdiction
    @dreamdiction 5 лет назад

    hahaha Women have a separate tournament, like the special olympics.

  • @ioannisbeis7960
    @ioannisbeis7960 10 лет назад +5

    "However, the position in front of you right now is also a drawn position." I hope he is not talking about the starting position. Ben sounds like he has solved chess. I love his intelligence and his sense of humor, but I am sick and tired of listening to grandmasters saying for a given position "there is no correct move and wrong move among these two options; it is merely a matter of taste". Or while the computer counter-suggests a move in a super GM game with difference 0.6 in the evaluation the commentators mention it and then say "but there's nothing wrong with what e.g. Caruana played". Or taking for granted that black can hold with perfect play even under severe pressure and when a move makes black collapse then "I don't know if someone can find a defense for black with perfect play, but this seems very hard to hold after this move", after having said numerous times "this is an OK move for white" throughout the course of the game, like we're talking about a petting zoo, overemphasizing black's potential to hold, as if it is white actual play with "OK moves" in the game competing perfect play by black. These are kindergarten statements. How does Ben know that the starting position is defensible? He "feels it"? I "feel" that draw is more likely to be the solution of chess myself, but come on, you people are scientists, you're not supposed to talk like that. Might be 1.Nf3 1-0 forced... A "practical game" is one ball game and theoretical chess is a different ball game, which I suggest should be shown some more respect by GMs.

    • @JimMalmPHOTO
      @JimMalmPHOTO 8 лет назад +5

      LOANNIS BEIS "Kindergarten" ? Very suspicious.

  • @odenssbm0810
    @odenssbm0810 6 лет назад

    He talks about himself too much

    • @z-man1938
      @z-man1938 6 лет назад

      That's happens when you become old enough