- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- #matsanga #naizaboomfilms #naizaboomcomedy #jatiweronaizaboom #zimrealityeyetv #matsangacomedy #naizaboomfounder #naizaboomdirectorinterview #naizaboomlatest #naizaboomlatest2023 #naizaboomepisodes
😂😂😂Matsanga,This interview was great...Wataura semunhu mukuru.Wagonesa❤❤❤
Matsanga you can go further, l love yr mindset
very mature talk there with Matsanga. Kip up the spirit
Haaaaaaa Matsanga unonakidza 😂😂😂😂😂😂you gained a new follower🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Matsanga speaks like a wise 90 year old man.
Maturity panaMatsanga yakazara, I salute him.
Matsanga zvaunenge Boe munhu ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉 nhai
Sparks waakunyatsogona journalism manje, your interviewing skills are on point now and you remain neutral without showing any bias or judgement.
Matsanga ndinomufarira nekutsanagura kwake ana dzungu 🙏🙏🙏
There was a time Matsanga really wanted to expose Naiza. I think he has healed
Matsanga is a mature and wise person and this interview has shown light on the problems in the entertainment industry. All the best and good luck to him
Intervew gor matsanga and netsai have surprised me. Shows maturity beyond my expectations
Much love and respect to you Matsanga❤💪
Good Matsanga Naiza hayizi office izita😅😅😅... Wasirira Naiza katsotsi
Dj Sparks this is one of the interviews I followed and supported. You have interviewed in and out of Naiza Boom. zvaratidza kuti ma Drama has become an Industry to be considered. parikutoda an Actors union and a movie director's union. paita zvichemo lets not ignore. Matsanga is 100% correct panoda ma contract on each setting for the main actor, supporting actors, and music promotion. Remember NERIA movie was a blockbuster in music and movie shows. Dj Sparks next kwidzai ku Hurumende kuve ne ministry of Sports ,Culture and Entertainment.
Haa Matsanga Akuziya... Filming industry n music industry yemuZim ikuda masponsor zvakasimba
This guy is so sensible. Lovely words. Wish we could group fund to help him.
Matsanga has proved to be a unifier and l now challenge the interviewer to help to reach out to Wicknell chivayo and l am 💯 sure sir wicknel will help
You are brighter Matsanga than any other person who was or who is still in Naiza Boom because you noticed the future before them
Woow shout out to matsanga.... ndainge ndsnganakirwe naye naye mnhu uyu buh eey zvamnje mnje ndakanomu follower.....😊😊
thumps up for Matsanga the unifier
I salute boss Matsanga 😂😂😂❤
Matsanga you got that maturity mind I wish better days than ever.
Matsanga chibaba i love you NB ngaataurirane ne team rakevavirirane tovada vakadaro
I love u Matsaga u a such a good man chero vanhu mukakonana sei musafukura hapwa
I like DJ Sparks pese anopinza Jesus
May your works succeed bra
Matsanga ane mwoyo wakanaka haana favour
May above one bless your hustle
Matsanga is so mature
Keep it up broo nice voice.i am shocked😮
Matsanga full of wisdom 😊
Matsanga is very funny 😁 😂
Matsanga is mature guys.....weldone the talk was on point
Out of all the interviews I have watched.
This one is the one😅
hezvoo mese ingori matsanga nice matsanga wagona interview.. ahh sneniwo matsanga wagona
Haaaa matsanga u ar mature and u ar talented sando dzako
Oh wooow nice talk from Matsanga
Dj Sparks ane chimuti. God has expanded his territories
True eyyy Matsanga wataura chokwadi apa ngavagare pasi vanyatsotaura ❤❤ndakufarira madairiro ako haudi kupunza vanhu vataura ngavanogara pasi vataurirane
That Master H 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Naiza haisi office, izita rechannel iri mu phone make😂
hanzi saka mukuda ndinopinda mufon make here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Matsanga 🎉 your level of maturity is unique my man
Its the laughter pekupedzesera for tge eats for me 😂😂😂
So profound Matsanga very wise, solo na chapepa vatengesi
I respect you boss matsanga. Dj sparks you promised kuita interview nevapfana vangu Promi naTino. I respect you Sparks
Well said and mature talk wowww Mr Matsanga ..wisdom dzaSolomon
I liked this interview Matsanga hoyoooooo😂😂😂
Matsanga urichibaba une moyo❤❤❤❤
Well done Matsanga❤.Indeed those guys vakabuda avo vakanyanya kufumura hapwa zvakanyanya.Vakataura zvimwe zvinhu zvaisafanira kutaurika.What i can just say is *Hapana basa kazhinji raunoshandira munhu raunogutsikana nemari yaunopihwa*
Well said Matsanga. Maturity munayo chibaba rambai makadaro big up
I respect you Matsanga Elder ❤️❤️
Wise words Get Back Together Guys for the love our country
We need more minds like yox Matsanha senyika tinosvika kachana.Let L❤ve lead.
Matsanga i hwereshende ngolo yemulonyeni. Nice words from d Man
I did not what Matsanga said... What a good & matured view from him .thumbs up for that Matsanga
Boss Matsanga much love
Matsanga u are a man, big up to you. Unotaura pachirume
Matsanga is a good man a humble man shuviro yangu ndeyekuti matsanga aite nanaJatitiwero I think vanopedza sport plz ngavabatane ava
I really like the forwardness foretoe asseblief Mnr. Matsanga pamberi nebasa
Zimbabwe yaoma shuwa kutsvaga kudya kunodiwa nevanhu. l salute you Mr matsanga
You are such a good guy Matsanga
Hoyoooooo Matsanga thumps up Chibaba.
Haa matsanga kumberi kk full of wisdom
❤kkkk can't wait chibba Mwari wadhavhita wajona DJ idza matsanga kut mafans tirikuda vabatane na ne team rakabu ku NB yechimunhu chisina cash .anotii kudii nazvo Mwari waSITEFANO wokufa achipondwa nematombo akoramba achirimbidzwa nekusiingaper
Matsanga ndinotember newe
Chibba icho wangu
Amana Tim musadaro I miss u panga muri mese matsanga n jatiwero way yavo from boarding school zvichinzi matsanga anogona kuita kusvaura
Thanks Matsanga for world 🎉🎉❤❤❤
I didn't know this guy is so wise 😮
Pataura munhu mukuru apo 💚I'm a lover of Museyamwa💚
Yes matsanga u are the good person
Matsanga much love ❤❤❤
Big up boss Matsanga unogonesa. Mature talk
Matsanga ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ndi king
Well done nofunga mungambotiunzira ft Chipo naJedza tingafara kwazvoo
A wise man
Ndipeiwo link ramatsanga need to follow him right now now❤❤❤
@team pa ghetto films
Greater works matsanga matsanga matsangaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤
Matsanga wakanyanya wataura pachikuru sando kwauri ❤
Matsanga the unifier. Mashoko ako akanaka bro, thanks for the wise words
You're the best mdara wakura pafeya
This man is a genius well said matsanga u are a reall man
Big up boss Matsanga👊👊
Kkk Matsanga you are a gentleman
I love yu matsanga
iwe matsanga anototaura zvine sense kudaisoooo ha ha ha da THIS MAN IS ALWAYS ACTING EVERYTIME🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Haaa matsang amature sewine
Ana matsanga zvazvibaba pamind set apo❤
Welldone Mr Matsanga
Wonderful responsibility Boss Matsanga😊
Baba Dovi,lemme subscribe to his channel. He's so mature
Matsanga I really appreciate ndokutaridza kukura ikoko
Kkkkkk Matsanga akatovhurika brain kudarika team rese
😂😂 for sure, ndazvionawo
Maturity and unifying others enough respect to boss Matsanga bravo
Matsanga I love you 💕💕💕
Hanzi naMatsanga pane varikuti ndezvekunyeba but deep down arikuti ungatikudii iwe uchidya😂😂😂😂
Ndochokwadi kkkkkk
@@rosemaseva4464kkkk😂 Makhoti
@@Leez378 sei sei auntie ❤️
Matsanga is mature talking with wisdom he said sense ❤
Matsanga 🎉unofunga hako mwari akuitire nyasha
Very informative insight from Matsanga. Shuwa pavekuda sponsor manyama team riende mberi iro
Matsa you showed a high level of maturity 👏 sando dzako
Sir Wicknell , Matsanga pleading
Matsanga big up u are best
This was a mature talk from Matsanga
General Aladdin Master h official
Matsanga hoyo
I'm going to follow u now l luv yo maturity