I remember trying some folk's character codes but they didn't work for me. Hoping my mileage improves this time. My concern with having some of the symbols in there is character substitution (such as when Word makes "fancy quotes" ).
Second, their character exchange method is interesting. It has an in-game toon editor. It saves and loads toons from a directory of named PNG.
That was certainly an early version, codes only worked for some computers languages. It's all good since v0.0.15 as I set a universal language to the float encoding.
You're not the first one to talk about making the codes as PNGs, I can still do that later on and even allow both text codes and PNGs; for now, I'm focusing on making the software itself before putting time in things that are already working (Don't fix what ain't broke mindset haha).
Thank you!
That is an F95 rule.
The dev can post as many updates as they want but I believe an update is only shown every three weeks.
Lucid Lust Try to schedule an update every three weeks so your game is promoted .
Looks forward to your VN Maker. I would love to throw Daz Studio into the bushes.
Also, cum inflation when
It's every 2 weeks, not 3, but yes you're right about the rest. But I don't schedule my updates specifically for f95, I just update when I can. When I can update the game, I do it on Patreon. 10 days later it's made public, if it's been more than 14 days since the last promotion then you will see Lucid Lust in the Last Updates category. It's not that horrible if I only get a promotion every 17/18 days instead of 14, I can still sleep at night knowing that haha.
I didn't even know what "cum inflation" was until now haha. But with the pregnant belly, you should be able to do it just fine!
So... right now only the girl creator thing works, right? Seems like nothing happens when I click the other buttons.
Yes, also it "works" but is not made final so changes are happening every 5 to 7 days haha. The game is at its baby stage!
Glad you're keeping up with everyone here and are very responsive. Amazing to see.
Thank you, I try my best and I love talking with people interested in my project!
As for what I mean with the lips/mouth opening, is that, if you use certain ethnicities you get lip gaps, so that you see the teeth for example, because the lips are slightly parted(usually in the middle)[think i noticed this with north american]. Anyway you can't adjust the parting of the lips, so say you like the ethnicity mix you have but want to close up that lip gap, you can't do it within the mouth settings, you can only do it by tweaking ethnicity.
(sorry if that doesn't make much sense it might be hard to explain)
TLDR: Really, it's not a big deal since it can be worked around by adjusting ethnicity setting, it was only a minor suggestion. <3
As you said, some ethnicities have very specific traits. That's why in the Help Window I tried to explain ethnicity as a sculpture base, you should really start from here if you are serious about making a face. But you still should be able to close any existing gap (even more now with the "unlocking limits" toggle.
Between my day job and my work on Lucid Lust, I don't have much time to experience my own creation sadly, but I did make some look-alikes in v0.0.3 (as you can see in the latest picture I posted), and I feel that soon enough great creators will come with very interesting creations (I hope)!
My current top requests for the character creator,
Larger nipple options Nice.
More butt sliders
Some sort of shading fix for smaller breasts.
Not sure if there's anything else I'm super hurting for that isn't already on the road map. As always, there are lots of small requests but I'm currently in big picture mode right now.
ooo, okay, I'm understanding your vision better. A Scenario Creator (SC) will make actor roles (MC, Love Interest, Villain ect.) that the community will then download the scenario and inject their preferred models to fill those actor slots. I imagine that SCs will have the option to make default settings that are all auto-filled and the person who downloads the scenario can make name/relationship adjustments to their taste.
I'm curious how you might handle descriptor discrepancies? Will it be up to the SC to set up moddable descriptors or will there be some sort of auto descriptor thing? Ex: "How do you like this big black cock?" but the model in the role has a small white dick? Would you be able to add in a code that can read the model data so that the SC could say "How do you like my $charactermodelpenissize $charactermodelskincolor ?" and the system will autofill the text?
Would you also allow for text replacements if the model for the actor role doesn't have the required asset?
Ex: if model breasts >30 use line 1 "My tits hurt when you make them bounce like that!"
if model breasts <30 use line 2 "Keep going! Don't Stop!"
Just stuff I ponder over while drinking tea.
Working on both, but both are big challenges right now. For butt sliders, it's a ratio issue (for upcoming collision/animation systems and how it works with all the sliders that are already modifying the butt area), for the flat chest shader issue, I will certainly have to revamp the skin shader entirely anyway (for other reasons too, like the shiny coat value which gets higher depending on vertex sizes). So the skin is still in the work and for new sliders I'm now quite tricked into having to stop somewhere. I will certainly make brand new decisions/changes in the future to accommodate, let's pray together!
Scenario Creators will have to fill their roles with their own characters, then upon completing their scenario will have to complete a form. In this form, there will be things like "allow character X replacement/allow outfit X replacement/allow size change/etc."
This way you can create something very rigid that doesn't take any player input, something that takes some and ignore other (for example you can force a particular character to use a certain skin color or a certain size/body without forcing everything else). It's all about what the creator wants (and needs) for his scenario.
The relationship status/name variable was only an example. This will simply be two tables of strings and integers, the creator can make a variable dropdown called "character 1 eyes color" and then enter "blue" "green" and "other" for the player to choose from. On the creator side, those colors will be varX = 0/1/2 for him to take custom decisions about that specific variable. For example, a dialogue could say:
[if var1=0]"Your eyes are like an ocean where I would love to drown."
[if var1=1]"Your eyes are like a forest where I would love to be lost."
[if var1=2]"You have beautiful eyes."
I hope I'm helping you understand better how things will work.
Also, there will be 2 Scenario editors, a simple one and a more in-depth one. The simple one will come first as a way to create a solid base for the complex one. The simple one will have fewer options and will be more linear. This way people who want to "just" make a story happen (or make renders via Lucid Lust) will have the joy of user-friendliness at their service. Once the simple scenario creator is 100% done and functional (with the export and everything), the second scenario creator will be worked on (expanding on the simple one), and from there we can even imagine some more in-depth possibilities (story path, random NPCs, sex scenes with active controls from the player, mod dependencies, etc.).
It's going to be awesome! But again, even if I put all my free time into the project, it will still take time to achieve everything. I hope that most people can see my dedication and that the updates feel generous enough with the short time I push them.
This is a amazing foundation for what can be the "Eastern Honey Select" or a TK17's spiritual successor, i hope this also get native mods support too, amazing work for now
Wouldn't it be the Western HS?
Also like I already said, mod support will have to come but for now and until v1.0, the game being a complete standalone solution is the main goal. Also, there will be so many options until then that "replacement mods" might be the best way to handle it, but we will see once we are arrived at the destination haha.
Also, thank you for the kind words!
Lucid Lust Very good idea and interesting project. I was actually thinking about this very recently while checking out DAZ and Honey Select, the current two big names in generating graphics for adult VN game dev.
DAZ is highly customizable and easier to setup a scene with assets from DAZ store, but you need good hardware for reasonable IRAY render speeds.
Honey Select however, can take instant "renders" (it's also Unity-based) but requires a lot of work to look good (you need to know lighting) with a reasonable level of customization via mods, but you are restricted to a sort of Asian aesthetic. Also the license is a bit of a grey area, even though Illusion hasn't sued anyone yet, making HS2 games means that you probably are not able to list the game on the biggest retailer Steam.
I think an in-house F95 solution for this is a great middle option to greatly speed up the creation process. I think a robust character creation system is a good place to start. I think one for males should be next (a big weak point for HS2 is male actors). Then add a lot of assets for scene generation like furniture, environments, etc. Modding support would be great too, so you can possibly open-source some of the asset creation work. Obviously the end goal is to have an asset library as extensive as DAZ.
Another thing would be to have a very lenient License that makes it very clear that games made with LL can be sold/monetized without issues.
If your goal is to "rip" renders from Lucid Lust, the process would be really easy. Like, you can easily make a simple scenario without dialogue, take screenshots of each step and then import them in Renpy for example and do your dialogues/logic there. Also, with replacement mods, you would be able to take your own scenario to another level. While it's not the essence of Lucid Lust, I would be very happy for people to do this and might also make some sort of automatic procedure to allow this (like a bouton to automatically create pictures of every step of a scenario). It would allow "renders" made in Lucid Lust to be used in lightweight and more cross-platform-friendly engines (hello RenPy). Since Lucid Lust will NEVER be on anything else than computers.
Will there be a mac version??
I will try to make Mac and Linux versions for each big Lucid Lust version (0.1, 0.2, etc.). This is a lot of work and is very time-consuming so I can't do more than that. So, if you're on a Mac, see you for version 0.1!
I am really curious to know how are you going to make it possible for animations to adapt to wathever morphology the customized character could have.
In a prior post you said something about adaptative animation system and collision system , could you elaborate this a bit more from a more technical point of view? As a fellow Unity user I am intrigued I have to admit. I know it's not magic since popular games do it already, but I am curious of as a solo dev one could approach it.
Indeed hair shaders look nice. Is this a store solution or custom shaders? BRP or URP ? Or perhaps character creator relatively newly released solution?
For the adaptative animation and collision system, I think that I will make a post once it will be there. I will try to explain it very summarily here but it's way simpler than what some of you guys seem to think.
Animations are going to adapt to the character doing the animation, not their surrounding. Characters can't collide with themselves, the colliders are for other characters, and they are going to adapt to the character shapes. That's it. When someone makes a scenario, he will choose the characters scales, and from there, it's pure logic (genitals and mouth should be at the same height whatever your customization, detailed colliders will push off colliders with less force, etc.), It will be a "it just works" moment for Lucid Lust users while it will be days and weeks of fine-tuning for me haha.
Again nothing magic, only work, and logic!
i'd like to see a dog creator or a horse in near future, and mabe a party for everyone become together, thats isnt a normal thing but almost every one here likes a bestiality
Hello, how are you? It's great to know our own preferences and express them, also I'm totally against kink-shaming anyone, ever (I hate the idea of thought crime). But sadly, and I hope you will understand me, I just can't see myself working on animals' genitals during my free time, it's just not something I'm willing to do for my own sanity. But if someday I have enough resources to hire someone, promise that he will suffer by having to do all the things I will not haha. Have a great week kind sir!
No... IK it's just the basics for posing limbs. My question goes further than that.
Lets say I create a very basic animation, or just a pose (1 keyframe) where a male character holds the hips and kisses a slim 1.80 female character. But what if I change that slim girl for a thic 1.60 one? How the male figure opens the arms to hold those more broad and lower hips in the exact same place?
I am just curious to know if the dev is willing to share a bit of how did they implement it in theirgame.
There are ways/tools to try to do so of course, most of them using IK and anybody can find in the Unity store; but neither it's something easy to make, specially when you are dealing with multiple blend shape characters. Even HS and Sims 4 which I consider the gold standard for these things many times fail to adjust their animations.
As I said, I just wonder what the OP, as a solo dev, decided is the best option.
ps. It's hard to explan this without being too technical and lenghty.
See, that's what I thought you thought, scaling characters will serve for creators, and scale will be optionally overridden (once a scenario is made, to export it you will have a form to fill, with toggles as "allow size change" and things like that. How would you want a camera to change rotation/position depending on the character's height for example? If the scenario creator enables it you will be able to select one or more characters to replace their own, and if activated by the scenario creator, things may be overridden (scale, penis size, etc.). It's the creator's job to think about what can be changed and what shouldn't be changed for its scenario to work flawlessly.
For shapes, however (thin, obese, etc.) It SHOULD work with the fine-tuning of colliders as I explained before. There will also be general options for creators like holding an object and things like that (to make it possible to parent objects to different parts of characters). I hope I made everything clearer, but in case, anyone reading this still didn't get it: just wait for it, I'm making it, don't worry. :3
It's in the work! v0.1 (the final version of the girl creator) is not for tomorrow, but yes don't worry. Bottom Hair, better B holes, shine amount for skin, etc. I have a lot of things on my to-do list.
How does this
game character creator compare to
Home together?
Both seem pretty similar to me, with similar goals
However, Home together seems to have a lot more graphical fidelity, being made in Unreal Engine (with matching heavy system requirements, ouchh

I don't have the time to go play every other game you guys are linking to me haha. But I read the game's description and don't really see how this game is similar to what Lucid Lust is trying to achieve.
Also, graphical fidelity is not engine-based (to a certain extent), I'm not going to make an open world haha. You can get as much character realism in Unity as in Unreal, you just need to work harder for it!
Also, not talking about Home Together or any game in particular, but the amount of UE5 games that are bugged and/or can't be launched with an AMD GPU or high-end computers is crazy high.
As I already stated, I think I just couldn't work as a solo dev on Unreal Engine. I wish good luck to UE solo devs/small teams out there!
Hello I have a proposition for your game:
Your Character creation tool is ,without understatement, an effective and excellent as it is already ( speaking for the 0.0.21)
I do believe some people would try to use your tool to create some of those 3dcg characters sprite you see in those visual novela made on Daz3D or such.
There for I do think that it could benefit the game to add those feature to help the visibility of your game:
-the possibility to pose the character in the character menu
-And a feature to export screenshot's of the character as a PNG with an alpha channel
Of course those are just suggestion made by ,frankly, a very amateur Godot Game dev but I do think it's better to provide those feature so it can add a very practical use for other dev that struggle to create assets or reference pictures
Of course if you do add those feature I would recommend to add a "Creative Commons" licence to force those who wish to use your game that way to Credit it in there credits
I thought about this for the scenario mode, but I didn't think about sprites making haha, that can be a cool idea! Well, not for now since I want my game to come to a conclusion before getting lost doing too many things at the same time. But a Sprite-making mode is a neat idea and I'm adding it to the "after v1.0 possibilities" list! Thanks for your suggestion!
will it be possible to export characters you make to blender?
No 3D export is possible (unless someone makes a custom extractor, but using a 3D rip would be illegal for several reasons that are not linked with me sadly)
Ok. Another dev chiming in because this project has the potential to be the first and most essential step in a game developing process.
Many of us struggle with animation in our games simply because running 300-400 frames through your own graphics card or a cloud service is just too much (rendering times, uploading processes, if it's a paid cloud, normally animations are charged at extra rates... you name it). One of the logical answers is using other systems like Honey Select and similar, but again, most of the assets there have a clear anime style, which works for some games but not for others. And even then, locations and assets are really limited compared to Daz and its massive library.
I've been messing around with Unreal Engine for a while now and, the same as Unity, it has a ton of potential to deliver quality graphics and real time animation that you can either leave there or export to pngs for RenPy so people with less powerful computers can also play without problems. Both systems have huge libraries in terms of locations and lots of different assets, but character wise, they're clearly not aimed towards sexy stuff (Daz obviously is). So something as simple (at least in Daz) as taking a rigged character, stripping off their clothes and changing their appearance to look like a cock hungry bimbo is never so simple. Even MetaHumans with their impressive realistic look and their customization capabilities struggle when trying to create the kind of ideal female beauty that's so abundant in Daz. Why? Simply because they tried really hard to make their characters look far from perfect to help with realism and, specially, inclusion.
All of this rant for what? Ok, I'll get to the point. If you could give us a way to take these characters and export them as something we can use right away in Unity, keeping the rigging, textures and shape (and maybe even adding a predefined basic soft body system for boobs and butt), I think the rest (posing, animation, environments...) could be easily handled in the engine itself.
That way we'd have the sexy character creator that both Unity and Unreal so severely lack.
As I said, no 3D export is possible. BUT, every other thing (2D export) has been discussed in this message and it's a big YES. The simple scenario creator will let you save every step as pictures, after v1.0 you will certainly have a character sprite maker, etc. We can even imagine some video maker exporting animations. But for now, the goal is to create an all-in-one solution where both players and creators can get what they need!
very interesting project. size slider needs higher range though, to enable dwarves and giants
played the game, attempted to create a milf but its not ready yet in my opinion, I didnt see any wrinkles options and any pubic hair style yet, howerver I will look out for this game because it has pretty good potential nonetheless
I will add many skins in the future, older and wrinkled skins will come, I also thought about fantasy skins and things like that, stay tuned!
And like I already said, pubic hair is on the way!
Thanks for the kind words!
I really hope that answering you all makes you happy because it took me a lot of time haha. At this rate, I'm going to perfect my English in no time!
Also, today I got 3 new supporters on
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, I'm very happy and I can't thank them enough. It's a good day, hope it will be a good week! Stay safe!