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The one on the right is the MC's mother, she has no sexual content right now, the only scene that could be defined as such has been scrapped from the latest update for some unknown reason.
Too cruel. :(

I think it is mandatory that 99 percent of all AVN's have at least 1 redhead in them.
Wise words.


Forum Fanatic
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Another great update Maximus14!
Kendra was such a naughty jinx. I love it! Simply can't wait to MC visit her in the next weekend :love:
It's good to be back to the Masion. And the welcome from our lovely girls couldn't be better. Loved see Ana jealousy, this add such spicy taste to the harem, Hope to see more of the girls competing for MC's attention and the naughty things they will come up to step up their game in this new come week of hard work:devilish:.

Keep up, your game is wonderfull(y)
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The one on the right is the MC's mother, she has no sexual content right now, the only scene that could be defined as such has been scrapped from the latest update for some unknown reason.
The dev scrapped the Rachel scene? I may have to play this update then.

The scene may have been taken out because it made NO SENSE. LOL! From a character development standpoint, what in the world had Rachel done up until that point to justify her actions in that scene? There was not a single insistence of her showing any sort of sexual interest in the MC, then all of a sudden she is commanding her employee to fuck him in front of her? WTF! LOL!

At least we've been given some incite into Kendra. Her background, and her thoughts about/feelings towards the MC. So anything she does with him (even if she is being manipulated to do so; which THAT whole things makes little sense right now, but I digress) makes some sort of surface level sense. The Rachel character has no depth at this point, and neither does the relationship between her and the MC. The scene in the boutique was completely out of place. IMO.
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Awesome update Maximus14
I missed Anna, Ashley and all of the other girls inside the mansion
I hope that a sex scene with the mom comes sooner than later :cool:(y) Keep it up with the good work


The dev scrapped the Rachel scene? I may have to play this update then.

The scene may have been taken out because it made NO SENSE. LOL! From a character development standpoint, what in the world had Rachel done up until that point to justify her actions in that scene? There was not a single insistence of her showing any sort of sexual interest in the MC, then all of a sudden she is commanding her employee to fuck him in front of her? WTF! LOL!

At least we've been given some incite into Kendra. Her background, and her thoughts about/feelings towards the MC. So anything she does with him (even if she is being manipulated to do so; which THAT whole things makes little sense right now, but I digress) makes some sort of surface level sense. The Rachel character has no depth at this point, and neither does the relationship between her and the MC. The scene in the boutique was completely out of place. IMO.
You make a good case. I went back and watched the old scene with Linda, Rachel, and Kendra. What we see is Linda getting plowed, and the normal reaction you might expect from Rachel and Kendra is loud yelps or screams, turning flush and walking right back inside, to get out of eyesight and earshot, possibly downing a few glasses of wine. That doesn't happen. They walk right up on either side of MC and Linda, and watch the action from at most like 2 or 3 feet away, all the way to a completion that ends with spunk all over Linda's face. Then Rachel and Kendra go on to have a conversation with Linda with her spunk-covered face a mere foot away.

So I'd say its probably a toss-up. The assumption being that images of MC, his cock, his thrusting prowess, his scent, and gobs of his spunk are burned into her brain and she has plenty of time to think about all of that leading up to the dressing room. It's a leap but it was hotter.

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You make a good case. I went back and watched the old scene with Linda, Rachel, and Kendra. What we see is Linda getting plowed, and the normal reaction you might expect from Rachel and Kendra is loud yelps or screams, turning flush and walking right back inside, to get out of eyesight and earshot, possibly downing a few glasses of wine. That doesn't happen. They walk right up on either side of MC and Linda, and watch the action from at most like 2 or 3 feet away, all the way to a completion that ends with spunk all over Linda's face. Then Rachel and Kendra go on to have a conversation with Linda with her spunk-covered face a mere foot away.

So I'd say its probably a toss-up. The assumption being that images of MC, his cock, his thrusting prowess, his scent, and gobs of his spunk are burned into her brain and she has plenty of time to think about all of that leading up to the dressing room. It's a leap but it was hotter.

Good points. And what you just pointed out seems to be inconsistency in the writing. The fact that we have to use guess work to fill in the logic shows that it's not written well. I just went back and played the re-worked boutique scene. It's the same scene, just minus Rachel being present when the MC fucks Sophia. Her egging that on, and having the MC fondle Sophia in front of her, still makes little sense. Especially considering that a few scenes earlier, she asks the MC, out of concern, if she acted inappropriately the night before when she got drunk.

If her motivation for wanting the MC to hook up with Sophia is based on what happened with Linda, then why not just say that (or allude to it).

Like you said, it's a toss-up.

Hopefully, it all works itself out from a story standpoint later.


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One question has this returned to the original flow, or is still in the panels?

To be completely honest, since those panels started I don't feel any motivation to play this anymore. To each it's own, that simply breaks the flow of the story, is annoying and feels completely disconnected to the original game.

The Dev asked me for feedback a while ago, I simply couldn't do it. I was so angry and disillusioned that I wouldn't be fair. This used to be something that I couldn't wait to play, now, meh... Sorry if I am being too direct, but it is what I feel.

The story is gone. If all you are looking for is sex scenes with MILFs I think you get what you want. I was actually liking the story, now there's none.

I'll be around hoping it comes back, or, that I forget how good this was and can accept this crap now.

Peace :(
I mean, if you just want the Mansion story, you can go to the source:

Beyond the Mansion, it's not entirely clear if Max is pulling from some other existing source, or is doing the writing from scratch. If there's a tone change when the "panels" start, that may be the cause. Presumably from that point, the tone (even for additional Mansion content) will probably not go back to the stuff based on Nick Storming's original novel.

For those commenting on FatGiant's statement about wishing the game was abandoned, I think you're missing his real perspective here. The VN does seem different now (for the reasons stated above). If the dev had abandoned this project and started a new, incest-centric one for the mom and aunt stories, then he could skip that one, and hope that eventually the original game would be revived, with the same base plot (genius MC is kept sexually satisfied by a harem of women so he has a clear head to come up with resolutions for critical issues facing the world). One must admit, things in the mom and aunt stories are at best incidentally touching that story (I'm assuming that the harem has somehow determined that having the mom and aunt available to the MC is critical to their success), feeling pretty much tacked on (see above).

Note: I am fat, but not FatGiant; I have just seen enough of his comments to make a guess at what he's thinking, and thought I'd try restating that so perhaps others will understand better. I may be completely wrong, or putting too much of my own feelings about the current state of affairs into what I'm saying.

I'm so torn on wanting to try this or not, the renders look great and well... I love MILFs. However, I've been reading that apparently the story has been broken into four different panels. Not 100% sure what that entails, but apparently it's four separate stories that don't really connect, and potentially don't even follow the same timeline either. To me, coherency and flow is important when I'm reading, if you break the story into separate parts, I find that most of the time it ruins the flow, and often times the coherency of the story too. (This is a big reason I'm not a sandbox game fan, and rarely try them)

I might still give it a try in the future, but considering this was on my must try list at one point, and now I'm skeptical and torn on trying it or not, definitely sucks.
At the start of the story, their is a single basic storyline: the MC and his inherited mansion and harem. If you play through, you reach a point where you're presented with four panels. One shows the MC's mother; one shows his aunt; one shows (as of the last point I played) a question mark; and the fourth shows girls from the mansion. Clicking a panel goes to the next batch of content for the character(s) in that panel. The past several updates have added content for the mom and aunt; apparently, this latest update (0.24) adds something for the mansion.

It's not clear yet how the panels will work. Will the stories in each continue independently (allowing people like FatGiant to ignore the mom and aunt stories)? Will every story eventually converge back to the mansion (I have seen comments/theories that presume that will happen? What will the fourth storyline be?

I played the game before but didn't know it was there a female protagonist
The "female protagonist" tag was added because the aunt's story was (and I assume, still is) being told from the aunt's perspective, although she is explicitly pursuing the MC.
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  • Yay, update!
  • Haha
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New Member
Can someone post a torrent link? Its just imposssible to download 7 gb from any of sources
I can recommend that you search for Compressed in this thread.
That will lead you to this comment :
Milfylicious [v0.24] [Maximus]





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You make a good case. I went back and watched the old scene with Linda, Rachel, and Kendra. What we see is Linda getting plowed, and the normal reaction you might expect from Rachel and Kendra is loud yelps or screams, turning flush and walking right back inside, to get out of eyesight and earshot, possibly downing a few glasses of wine. That doesn't happen. They walk right up on either side of MC and Linda, and watch the action from at most like 2 or 3 feet away, all the way to a completion that ends with spunk all over Linda's face. Then Rachel and Kendra go on to have a conversation with Linda with her spunk-covered face a mere foot away.

So I'd say its probably a toss-up. The assumption being that images of MC, his cock, his thrusting prowess, his scent, and gobs of his spunk are burned into her brain and she has plenty of time to think about all of that leading up to the dressing room. It's a leap but it was hotter.

Good points. And what you just pointed out seems to be inconsistency in the writing. The fact that we have to use guess work to fill in the logic shows that it's not written well. I just went back and played the re-worked boutique scene. It's the same scene, just minus Rachel being present when the MC fucks Sophia. Her egging that on, and having the MC fondle Sophia in front of her, still makes little sense. Especially considering that a few scenes earlier, she asks the MC, out of concern, if she acted inappropriately the night before when she got drunk.

If her motivation for wanting the MC to hook up with Sophia is based on what happened with Linda, then why not just say that (or allude to it).

Like you said, it's a toss-up.

Hopefully, it all works itself out from a story standpoint later.
Was always clear to me that Rachel hook up MC with Sophie because she want he visit her again in the next weekend. Both in the old and new scene she makes MC promises he will visit her in the next weekend before let him go all the way with Sophie. You can say there is more subtle ways to convince MC, but this is a porn game, so of course the convincing will perpass some, you know, porn :Kappa:


Well I will say that this update does not divide badly. Let me explain the stories are great, I mean a lot of sex (a little too easy for me) I mean the Mc arrives and presto he does crazy things of their bodies (the more they move), then I think that we should rather merge the two games and the little stories which are at the end, I think that by modifying the scenario this could be fundamentally effective, I want to say the images are superb, the plot started well but fizzled too quickly, I already told you in PM I love your game but you should perhaps rewatch the scenario if it doesn't cause you too much work, you can even ask (from me for example ;)) a helping hand to integrate these stories into the scenario, we could for example go on an initiation of the MC on the road to glory, get to know the different girls, their story, with scenes of sex, finally you know what I mean

here you go, try to think about what I told you but I remain faithful to your VN

thank you for the work done


I went into this update a bit anxious because I read the comments in this thread before trying it, but as usual, people are overreacting with their criticism.

I noticed the dev is in this thread so I'll leave my feedback regarding the changes:

- Unless your game is a complete grind, or the pace is fast as a bullet, there's no such thing as "too slow" or "too fast". The story dictates the pace. I say this because it seems what prompted the changes to Rachel was that the MC was getting groovy with Rachel "too fast".

No he wasn't! The MC has been banging chicks effortlessly right from the get go. It's part of the "mega stud" persona which characterises him. The interest Rachel was showing for the MC felt appropriate for what we had come to expect. In my opinion, the changes in this last patch make the slowness feel out of place. Like it belongs in a different game.

- The change also affects Rachel's personality. There's nothing wrong with it, but I preferred the more "dominant" version we had before. In this last patch she comes across as a bit meek.

- The new "optional clothing viewer" is a miss, in my opinion. It doesn't feel "real", it takes you away from the story and reminds you you're playing a game. I would suggest just sticking to the ocasional "you can watch the entire following scene with two different types of clothing". Those are awesome. Whenever there's no time to make those, just don't make them. The clothing viewer adds very little, I'd rather the dev saved the time.


I've seen some criticism regarding the "panels" in this thread. I don't think that criticism makes sense. The panels ARE the story. If the dev didn't give us the option to choose between what to see next, no one would be complaining about it. But because the option is there, somehow that's a problem.


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I just started playing, as I wanted to get a few updates in to give me some play time, and I already have a quandary. I wonder if Megan is the MC's cousin. The paperwork said he can't give any offspring his last name. Not that he can't have any offspring. So this is just something I thought about. Like I say, I just started, as in the MC just signed the paperwork, and Megan has his pants around his ankles.


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I went into this update a bit anxious because I read the comments in this thread before trying it, but as usual, people are overreacting with their criticism.

I noticed the dev is in this thread so I'll leave my feedback regarding the changes:

- Unless your game is a complete grind, or the pace is fast as a bullet, there's no such thing as "too slow" or "too fast". The story dictates the pace. I say this because it seems what prompted the changes to Rachel was that the MC was getting groovy with Rachel "too fast".

No he wasn't! The MC has been banging chicks effortlessly right from the get go. It's part of the "mega stud" persona which characterises him. The interest Rachel was showing for the MC felt appropriate for what we had come to expect. In my opinion, the changes in this last patch make the slowness feel out of place. Like it belongs in a different game.

- The change also affects Rachel's personality. There's nothing wrong with it, but I preferred the more "dominant" version we had before. In this last patch she comes across as a bit meek.

- The new "optional clothing viewer" is a miss, in my opinion. It doesn't feel "real", it takes you away from the story and reminds you you're playing a game. I would suggest just sticking to the ocasional "you can watch the entire following scene with two different types of clothing". Those are awesome. Whenever there's no time to make those, just don't make them. The clothing viewer adds very little, I'd rather the dev saved the time.


I've seen some criticism regarding the "panels" in this thread. I don't think that criticism makes sense. The panels ARE the story. If the dev didn't give us the option to choose between what to see next, no one would be complaining about it. But because the option is there, somehow that's a problem.
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